"Beyond the shadows" tackles Quebec racism
on July 11th, 2024
Call it a tutorial, rallying cry, guidebook or roadmap, but it’s certainly an eye-opener. It’s also necessary, says Joel DeBellefeuille, executive director of the Red Coalition anti-racism lobby group, and one of Quebec’s leading voices in the fight against racial discrimination.  Read More
Quebec parents demand $1.4-million from teacher, school board for stolen intellectual property
on February 16th, 2024
A group of parents is threatening to sue a junior high school art teacher and his Montreal-area school board for $1.4-million in damages, after students found thousands of items for sale online bearing their classroom artwork. The parents’ lawyer, Martin DeBellefeuille, outlined the allegations in a legal notice sent Tuesday to the Lester B. Pearson School Board and the teacher, Mario Perron.   Read More
Canadian art teacher accused of using ‘sweatshop of children’ after selling students’ work online
on February 15th, 2024
A Montreal art teacher has been sued by parents after allegedly using a so-called “sweatshop of children” to produce artwork that he then placed online for sale. Mario Perron, a teacher at Westwood Junior High School, has allegedly been selling his students’ artwork on his own personal website without their permission for more than $100 a pop.  Read More
The Red Coalition Says Hockey Canada Must Confront Racism In Canadian Hockey
on November 3rd, 2023
Montreal-based ‘Red Coalition’ has written a letter to the Board of Directors at Hockey Canada to express their concern over recent racist events against Black and racialized hockey players in Canada. The Red Coalition is a federally registered lobbying firm who advocate to eliminate the practice of racial profiling and systemic racism within Canada.  Read More
Outrage au tribunal : l’affaire doit être plutôt entendue en Cour supérieure, dit la Ville
on March 28th, 2023
La Ville de Longueuil a plaidé le 23 mars dernier que le Tribunal des droits de la personne n’était pas la bonne instance pour entendre la plainte déposée contre elle par le citoyen Joël DeBellefeuille pour outrage au tribunal. Cette plainte, selon la Ville, aurait dû être déposée en Cour supérieure du Québec. Selon le cabinet qui représente M. DeBellefeuille, cette «tactique» de la Ville a pour effet de ralentir le processus judiciaire.   Read More
City of Longueuil facing contempt charges related to police racial profiling
on March 15th, 2023
A 2012 racial profiling case has led to the City of Longueuil facing charges of contempt of court, for failure to publish data about racial profiling. This is after Joel DeBellefeuille won his racial profiling case against the Longueuil police in 2020. The human rights tribunal ruled the city of Longueuil had to publish data related to racial profiling within 24 months – which it failed to do. Now – a judge has summoned the city to enter a guilty or not-guilty plea on March 23, 2023, or face charges of contempt of court.  Read More





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